
Kirstineberg A/S

About us

Kirstineberg Trees are exclusive and a high-quality products, which presents themselves very harmonic and beautiful in the pots. They are certified according to GLOBAL G.A.P and MPS Standards.

Every tree has grown in a pot to secure that it will develop a healthy and vital root system. The tree can be planted in the garden, where it will grow big and beautiful. It can also be left in the pot and kept on the balcony, in front of the house or for other outdoor purposes.

Property details

Christmas tree

Nordmann fir in pots, Norway spruce in pots, Serbian spruce, Blue spruce


Nordmann fir


Delivery for payment

Delivery options

Large pallets (10 per truck), Half pallets (20 per truck), Mixed pallets, Single packing, Parted loads, Customer label


MPS - Milieu Project Sierteelt

Naturbaum Siegel


Our location

Hulemosevej 23, 4800 Nykøbing F.

Contact producer


To: Collect Christmas Trees

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